Esta otra, sin embargo, tambien economiza, ya que puede ir con gasolina o diesel, indiferentemente, la unica pega es que solo d treintaipocos caballos, pero su funcin tampoco es la de correr sino mas bien la de llegar a sitios donde la moto del trapo rosa no llegaria en condiciones normales
In very light mobility systems, early2010 Hayes Diversified Technologies(HDT) released the latest iteration of itsmilitary motorcycle diesel engine. The Gen4 670 provides 33 hp, 20% more powerover the previous version. Moreover, ituses HDT?s latest Mac-Ci advanced multi-fuel technology which allows it to run onJP8, JP5, JP4, Avtur, Jet-A1, diesel andeven biodiesel types of fuel.
The Gen 4 670 is in HDT?s M1030-M2670-cc introduced in mid-2009. It is thelatest iteration of the motorcycle whichfeatures an improved chassis with anewly engineered swing-arm for improved handling. An updated exhaustsystem meets more stringent noise sup-pression requirements while maintainingpeak performance, and its five-speedtransmission and updated suspensionfurther enhance ride.